The Happy Creek Elf

Tired of trailer-trash sites and stories? Want to read a story where good things ultimately happen to people who live in trailers

and bad (but not fatal) things happen to rich folks and reckless truck drivers,

a story that considers how people come to live in trailers to start with,

a story where a guy in a trailer (or anywhere else) does the right thing even if it takes the assistance of an elf?

Monochrome JPEG images on CDROM. This story is probably not suitable for small children since one character has both parents die and another has an unplanned child.
Send \\$5.00 (includes shipping and whatever) to:
T. A. Coons
800 N. West St.
Falls Church, Va. 22046


Blue Dragon Comic Resource
Modest American Dreams, CSM.
Mobile home images
The Elves and the Sportbike
lawyer jokes
Elf Boat
Elf Boat II
Elf Boat III
Disaster in Numbers, Band.
Polymer City, web comic, comatose.
Irfan freeware graphics viewer


Newer Old Weekly Pics

Old Weekly Pics

Really Old Weekly Pics,
disabled thanks to GWU
